Great Places to Go on a Date with a Japanese Girl: Dating Spots



Japanese girl

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So, maybe you think hard part is over, you’ve asked a Japanese girl out on a date and she said yes. Really, your work is just beginning. A successful courtship can require a lot of skillful maneuvering on your part. Choosing the right type of dates can give you a hefty leg up on the competition though and impress your Japanese date to no end. It is especially important to choose a nice and romantic location for your first date, but any date with a Japanese girl needs thorough planning if you truly want to impress your Japanese date. This article will give you a detailed set of places and ideas to start with when planning your dates. In Japanese, these are called date spots and are a crucial element of concocting the perfect date.

A lot of date ideas fail because of interest and hobbies not lining up. This can set an awkward tone right away and doom your date to failure. Japanese girls will really appreciate if you try to think of something nice for them and include lots of opportunities to talk and get to know each other at the beginning of the date. If this is your goal one place rules them all for Japanese girls: nature calls. A nice walk in a park or even a longer hike will give you and your date time to casually get to know each other surrounded by the beauty of nature. Japanese cities have beautiful parks and public spaces. These are ideal places to take your Japanese girl on a date. If you are in Tokyo, Shinjuku Gyoen is a famous place to go on a first date. In New York, central park might be a great idea, for example. Strolling along at a relaxed place you can enjoy the scenery and learn about each other in more detail. Breathing in the fresh air can be a bit of an aphrodisiac, but don’t get too excited. Take it easy at this point and maybe ask to hold her hand if the moment feels right.

Nature is always a safe bet on a date with a Japanese girl so think of other places you can go to enjoy a breath of fresh air. A trip to the sea or a lake can be a great way to relax and put your beating heart at ease. Try to find somewhere close by that you can get to quickly and easily without any hassle. Also, avoid anywhere too strenuous or dangerous for a first date. You don’t want to stress her out before you can gauge her love of the outdoors. Also consider the fact that Japanese girls love to dress nicely for dates and are very conscious of their fashion and appearance. She might be wearing high heels and may have delicately manicured nails or accessories. Find somewhere in nature that she can go without having to worry too much about getting dirty or messy. This will make her feel comfortable to just enjoy the moment with you

tree in a park

Tree in a park

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Japanese girls love to shop. If money is no object you might want to consider treating her to a nice shopping trip. Of course, don’t expect to be going thrift shopping anytime soon, she is more likely to appreciate the finer things in life like designer handbags. So check with your bank before exploring this date option. If you decide to go ahead, choose an area with a lot of boutiques or an upscale mall. Make sure you have planned a few places to stop and enjoy a nice snack or a light meal along the way. Department stores in Japan offer this total experience to couples enjoying a day of shopping together, but unless you are in a major city with nicer department stores, stick to a nice shopping street with minimal walking or driving involved and avoid malls and food courts if you really want to make an impression.

Another great way to bond is over a hot cup of coffee. This doesn’t mean a Starbucks or any other type of in-and-out service coffee chain. Find somewhere nice to take your date where you can sit down and talk together in a more intimate setting. The fact that you would like to get to know your Japanese date will impress her to no end. Remember that Japanese girls value a sense of privacy so make sure that you are sitting somewhere that you won’t be overheard. This will let her open up more to your questions. Ambience is important so choose somewhere with a unique design and layout. Cuteness is key to impressing a Japanese girl. A cupcake shop or anywhere else with delicious sweets will put her in a good mood.


Chocolate Cupcakes with Raspberry Buttercream

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Speaking of cute, Japanese girls tend to fall in love quickly and easily with anything cute and cuddly. You can use this to your advantage to build those feelings by taking them to visit some cute animals. Maybe your city has a petting zoo or a nice pet store where you can go together and bond over your future pet. If you were in Japan, she might like to go to a cat cafe. This is a cafe where Japanese girls like to go and spend time with cats, playing with them and stroking them over a cup of tea or coffee. This wildly popular trend in Japan has just reached American shores with cat cafes beginning to open up in major cities. Check to see if there is one near you. Here you could even practice some Japanese and make her laugh by describing the place as “chou kawaii” or “soooo cute.”

Cute cat

Cute cat

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If you want to overload your Japanese date with cuteness take them to a theme park. In Tokyo, one of the most popular date spots is a version of Disneyland called Disney-C. The ‘C’ here stands for couple, announcing its crowded rides filled with couples. If you live anywhere near an amusement park, taking a Japanese girl here is a sure bet. Try to avoid the overly dangerous rides and stick to the character and theme-based attractions. A smaller roller coaster might be just the ticket if you want to inject a little adrenaline into the date. Make sure that she is comfortable with the idea first and be sure to keep asking her if she is alright. Japanese girls love to act a little bit scared of something and they will really notice your concern. If you really want to seal the deal you could buy her a stuffed animal or charm bracelet at the end of the date.

Cute dog

Cute dog

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Keep the thrills going by getting high together. No, not that kind of high. Any kind of drugs are highly illegal in Japan and so be careful to avoid mentioning that kind of thing on your date. Instead go for a different kind of high by seeking out an observation deck in a tall building in your city. These type of observation decks with lounges to sit in and enjoy the cityscape are common in Japan and will put you and your Japanese date on top of the world. It is best to go at sunset or at night to see the city spread out below you. Here you might enjoy a light meal or a snack with tea or coffee. If the date has been going especially well you might suggest a cocktail or champagne but don’t be surprised if she politely declines. Drinking is common in Japan but it can be considered extremely impolite or even shameful to be drunk in front of unfamiliar company. This might not be the best idea for a first date so use your discretion.

NY City

NY City

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With all these great ideas it seems like you can’t go wrong when crafting the perfect date with a Japanese girl, but don’t be fooled, there are a few places you definitely want to avoid when dating a Japanese girl. You’ll want to try and find some quiet place to have a good conversation with your Japanese date. It is best to avoid movies and concerts for this reason. While it might be fun for you, your date might feel left out and leave the date feeling neglected. For the same reason, loud bars and nightclubs are not the best place to entertain a Japanese girl. Also, drinking isn’t recommended on any of the first dates with a Japanese girl. You definitely don’t want to give her the wrong impression or scare her away with thoughts of alcoholic foreigners.

Stick to these tips for great places to take a Japanese girl on a date and I’m sure your date will go smoothly. A little bit of nature, something cute, something sweet like ever-popular chocolates, and a nice chat over tea or snacks will be sure to impress a Japanese girl with your gentlemanly nature. You might be so pleased with your date that you will be tempted to kiss at the end of the night or ask her out again right away. A word to the wise, patience is a virtue, and in this arena a little patience goes a long way with a Japanese girl. Take a little bit of time to find some more great spots to take her on a date and ask her out again in a few day’s time.

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